Way cool! We found something like this a few years ago at work, but like moost cool sites, it's blocked now by our "Surf Control." I did my portrait on my site!
Hola! Soy una amiga de Pris(cilla), aqui en Madrid. Me dijo que hablas castellano, que viviste un año en Barcelona y que te hiciste un tatuaje de un reptil¿? en el costado. Que tienes origenes mexicanos y franceses y que junto con Leilani y Lindsay tienen pensado venir. Asi que queria decir hola y que (ah! por cierto) no es la primera vez que visito tu blog, Pris me dio la direccion hace tiempo. Es muy divertido. Tambien hice un muñequito south park de mi, el cuel le hizo mucha gracia a Pris, parece que es bastante descriptivo... ( http://www.fotolog.net/chulipiruli ) La verdad es que no le presto mucha atencion al flog. Besos y saludos.
Hello hello mel. I got your email...but alas you forgot you phone number :( anyways I wanted to check you blog after that south park comment. I like the "dirty hippie" She is my friend. Now-- reading priscilla's comment I am SOO glad you both speak Spanish or some form of it. I am super excited for April. I got my guide book and am now wondering of the places we'll go...
Wow! I got a comment in Spainsh, awsome! Como te llamas? Is your name chulipiruli? I understand everything you wrote, but unfortunatly I cannot respond in Spanish. Hopefully you can read English since you said you have visited my blog before. I went to your flog- it was fun and I enjoyed your South Park picture too. As Pris (I love that nickname) told you, Linds, Lei and I will be flying into Mardid in April- I hope we can meet then. :)
Thanks for checking out my blog AND leaving a comment :)
I was born in Los Angeles County but moved to Orange County when I was five. I finally escaped at the age of 17 (almost 18) when I made my grand departure for Mount Holyoke College and Massachusetts.
Way cool! We found something like this a few years ago at work, but like moost cool sites, it's blocked now by our "Surf Control." I did my portrait on my site!
Hola! Soy una amiga de Pris(cilla), aqui en Madrid. Me dijo que hablas castellano, que viviste un año en Barcelona y que te hiciste un tatuaje de un reptil¿? en el costado. Que tienes origenes mexicanos y franceses y que junto con Leilani y Lindsay tienen pensado venir. Asi que queria decir hola y que (ah! por cierto) no es la primera vez que visito tu blog, Pris me dio la direccion hace tiempo. Es muy divertido. Tambien hice un muñequito south park de mi, el cuel le hizo mucha gracia a Pris, parece que es bastante descriptivo... ( http://www.fotolog.net/chulipiruli ) La verdad es que no le presto mucha atencion al flog. Besos y saludos.
Hello hello mel. I got your email...but alas you forgot you phone number :( anyways I wanted to check you blog after that south park comment. I like the "dirty hippie" She is my friend. Now-- reading priscilla's comment I am SOO glad you both speak Spanish or some form of it. I am super excited for April. I got my guide book and am now wondering of the places we'll go...
Wow! I got a comment in Spainsh, awsome! Como te llamas? Is your name chulipiruli? I understand everything you wrote, but unfortunatly I cannot respond in Spanish. Hopefully you can read English since you said you have visited my blog before. I went to your flog- it was fun and I enjoyed your South Park picture too. As Pris (I love that nickname) told you, Linds, Lei and I will be flying into Mardid in April- I hope we can meet then. :)
Thanks for checking out my blog AND leaving a comment :)
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