Thursday, January 26, 2006

Where's my Adderal?

Okay, so I actually do not support just throwing pills at problems (I even wrote a term paper on the subject once), but still, sometimes you just want some Adderal.

Yesterday my work paid me to drive 2 hours to my old college town, do 2 hours of data entry, go to lunch with friends, shop around and then drive 2 hours home. IT WAS GREAT! I got so much done, and I had fun, and I was happy. The driving was also awesome- I had to rent a car (see previous post "So Long Cindy") and it was great to drive again, plus my work is going to more than pay for the car and gas.

Unfortunately, it has made today drag by so so so slowly, I just can't concentrate on my work at all, and I have gotten so so little done all day. Oh well, it's almost quitin' time and instead of doing some last minuet work I am updating my blog...

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