Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Internet Radio

I found an AMAZING internet radio station!


They have categories you can choose from including:

Classic Rocktober
A Flock of Eighties
Listening Post (discover new rock)
Brit Rock
Piano Jazz
High Fidelity (Indie Rock)

And on top of having such awesome options, they also give you info about the song that is playing: Song name, band name, album title, year, and a picture of the cover. AND you can skip songs, and you can click off on artists you DON'T want to hear songs from. AWESOME.

I am listening to Classic Rocktober, and learning more about bands that I have been trying to familiarize myself with for a while. Seriously, if you enjoy the luxury of listening to web radio then you should click on the link (I have already added it to my favorites!)

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